Is Leadership Aligned with AI Conversation Training?

Is Leadership Aligned with AI Conversation Training?

It’s difficult to imagine a better sales team than a prepared, engaged, thoughtful, available 24/7 role play partner that provides excellent feedback to sellers, while keeping track of their progress. So, how can you get your sellers to use AI technologies to practice?   AI technologies like AI role plays have the potential to revolutionize sales…

Instant, Personalized and Meaningful Training Feedback is Powerful

Instant, Personalized and Meaningful Training Feedback is Powerful

Do your sales teams practice for the sake of practice or are they seeking conversational mastery, improvement and growth? If your training isn’t designed with mastery in mind, then sellers will be reluctant to engage. To make practice effective and move the needle for sellers, role plays must offer effective coaching and immediate feedback during…

AI Role Plays are Performance Enhancing Tools, Not Surveillance Activities

AI Role Plays are Performance Enhancing Tools, Not Surveillance Activities

Practice isn’t just about repetition. It’s about growth and development. AI role plays can be powerful tools for improving seller performance, but only if they are designed with the seller in mind. It’s long past the time to ditch surveillance and leverage the science of learning to create an environment where sellers thrive. What’s wrong…

Meet Sellers Where They Are With Adaptive Game Mechanics

Meet Sellers Where They Are With Adaptive Game Mechanics

When preparing for a customer meeting, practicing is essential. And to truly make a difference, those practices need to be tailored to each seller’s skill level and repeated until it sticks.  AI role plays with adaptive game mechanics are extremely valuable in making training both effective and engaging, ensuring that sellers will keep coming back…

Sellers are More Effective When AI Training  Role Plays are Engaging and Fun

Sellers are More Effective When AI Training Role Plays are Engaging and Fun

Effective sales training can be the difference between closing deals and missing targets. But let’s face it, if the training isn’t fun and engaging, sellers will dismiss it as  unproductive drudgery. Enter AI role plays, which are transforming the training  landscape by making it enjoyable, meaningful and effective.  Practice makes profit, unless sellers hate it….

Are Your Sales Role Plays Useful?

Are Your Sales Role Plays Useful?

In sales, every minute counts. Sellers’ days are juggling acts: prospecting, customer meetings, proposal development, administrative tasks, on and on. When it comes to training, sellers must be convinced that the time they invest will yield tangible results. This is where sales training with AI conversations and feedback can be game changers,   creating a…

AI Role Plays Must Echo the Real World to Reshape Sales Practices

AI Role Plays Must Echo the Real World to Reshape Sales Practices

Practice doesn’t make perfect—it makes permanent. That’s why, when it comes to sales training tools like AI role plays, the authenticity of the experience is paramount. Training with role play is not just about creating scenarios for sellers. It’s about shaping behaviors and habits that will stick with salespeople, so it is crucial to get…

Are your AI Sales Training Role Plays Powered by Self-Directed Learning?

Are your AI Sales Training Role Plays Powered by Self-Directed Learning?

Mastering a skill through repetition is not just an option; it’s a necessity. It requires 30 role-play practices to improve performance in a significant way.  Most managers can’t support that type of repetition, especially in any way that is consistent, leaving inexperienced sellers to practice on prospective customers and churn through them quickly. How can sales leaders ensure…

Avoid the Compliance Trap: Transform Mandatory Training into Dynamic Learning

Avoid the Compliance Trap: Transform Mandatory Training into Dynamic Learning

We’ve all been there, sitting through a mandatory training session, watching the minutes tick by, eager to “just get through it.”  All too often corporate training feels more like a box-checking exercise than a meaningful learning experience. We can transform this perception. We can create training programs that employees not only value but are also…

Cracking the Code for AI Sales Training

Cracking the Code for AI Sales Training

Sales leaders have all faced the practice problem: sellers avoid sales training and sales call practice as if it’s a trip to the dentist.. Why? Because training often feels like a painful  experience. But here’s the kicker: practice isn’t just important; it’s crucial. It’s the secret sauce to consistently hitting targets. So, how can we…